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Stories, Legends, and Myths from Inuit Publisher Inhabit Media

The Inuit people live in our world’s northernmost permanently inhabited locale. Inuit Nunavut, the Inuit homeland, is also Canada’s largest territory, encompassing 36 percent of Canada’s landmass and 50 percent of Canada’s coastline.  It is in this rich, Arctic expanse that the Inuit people—numbering over 160,000 across Canada, Russia, Alaska, and Greenland—live, love, and work […]

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Painting of child looking out of a window

Celebrating World Solitude Day

This article was written by Publisher Spotlight intern Joslin Boals “Solitude: the situation of being alone, often by choice” Happy Solitude Day to all of those who celebrate! As defined by Cambridge Dictionary, solitude is the state of being alone, most likely by choice. Although some may view this as a lonely or sad thing,

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Hansel & Gretel cover on left and interior spread on right

Old Tales Told Afresh

As the old year makes way for the new, let’s take a look through some fresh retellings of old stories. Some of these stories are rooted in folklore; others have been recrafted from literary works of bygone centuries. All offer new ways of seeing and understanding the roots from which they grow, just as insights

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Covers for Look Up High! from Pajama Press, Kind Crocodile from Gecko Press, History FACTopia from What On Earth

It’s the Most List-i-ful Time of the Year!

From late November onward toward the year’s end, everyone’s making and/or following lists: what to gift, what to put on your own wish list, or gift yourself right now and add to your growing to-be-read pile. Because we work with so many international kids’ book publishers, our interests in lists is definitely global. We’ve found

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Top of the World Tales from Nunavut

Nunavut is our world’s northernmost permanently inhabited place and Canada’s largest territory. And within this expanse of tundra and mountains live the Inuit people. Inuit-focused publishers such as Inhabit Media, make it possible for both Inuit and non-Inuit youth to deepen their knowledge about Inuit culture, oral traditions, folktales, arts, and family connections. Inhabit Media’s

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Sew Sister cover

Mooning Over Some New Books

This is article is by Publisher Spotlight’s Rhena Curran. Happy National Moon Day and National Space Exploration Day! July 20th 2023 marks 54 years since the Apollo 11 mission during which Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon. In honor of this – and the two supermoons coming next month –

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Bananasaurus Rex interior

Fang-tastic Books About Dinosaurs!

This is article is by Publisher Spotlight intern Tricia LeMorte. Dinosaurs seem to have their claws on the imaginations of children—and adults—everywhere. Some people love dinosaurs as big, scary, prehistoric creatures that can teach us about what Earth was like before we were here. But, in the world of children’s books, dinosaurs tend to be

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Food for Hope interior

Feeding Food Awareness

This spring brings a new crop of informational picture books that offer readers of all ages new insights on healthy eating, food access, and food preparation.  Food topics, of course, are of perennial interest and these new books join contemporary classics featuring food heroes, kids’ science related to food topics, and food gardening. Let’s take

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urban asset 2020

Set Your Sights on Sunsets During Sunset Week

This article is by Publisher Liaison Christina Moorehead Whether peeking through clouds, reflected over the water, or glowing bright behind mountains, sunsets compel people of all ages—absolutely including children—to pause whatever they are doing and take a long look.  Perhaps we love sunset s because of the colors—peach, gold, lavender, red—or because sunsets can so

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