Author name: FGoldsmith

librarian, professional development trainer, writer

Antique eyeglasses in a heap

Look Here! These Books Are Spectacular!

Sometimes it appears that attention from many quarters comes to rest on one theme or an object with unanticipated universal agreement that this is the IT topic for the moment. This year in kids’ books we’re seeing that happen with—eyeglasses! In books that come to us from Spain, the Netherlands via New Zealand, the United […]

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Bank Street Books Announces Newest Best Children’s Books of the Year

The newly released list from Bank Street College of Education reflects their Children’s Book Committee’s choices from 2023’s publications. Bank Street’s seal of “best” is recognized by librarians, teachers, teacher training programs, and parents as a gold standard guide to children’s books. The selection committee is composed of more than two dozen members who are

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Health in Mind

Westerners have a peculiar way of prioritizing physical status over the conditions of our minds. We supply, even in casual conversation with children (and other adults), specific names for an array of possibilities when talking about our physical manifestations, including the experience of excellent health, impediments such as injury and disease names, recovery degrees, and

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Page from a 15th centiury manuscript held by the National Library of France

Speaking to the Soul of Teen Readers: Young Adult Novels in Verse

This article is by Publisher Spotlight intern Nicole Speyrer Poetry, to many, carries the weight of emotion and internal movement. In a way, it sometimes becomes more difficult to express deeper, more complex experiences in our everyday language. In being forced to certain grammar constraints and spoken emphases or without certain imagery, a certain complexity

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Painting of child looking out of a window

Celebrating World Solitude Day

This article was written by Publisher Spotlight intern Joslin Boals “Solitude: the situation of being alone, often by choice” Happy Solitude Day to all of those who celebrate! As defined by Cambridge Dictionary, solitude is the state of being alone, most likely by choice. Although some may view this as a lonely or sad thing,

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The Best Children's Books of the Year in Spanish 2024 Edition cover

¡Bravo! Bank Street’s Best Spanish Children’s Books Announced

Bank Street College of Education has announced their list of The Best Children’s Books of the Year in Spanish, 2024 Edition, and we have more than a dozen congratulations to share! The list calls attention to stellar children’s books in Spanish that were published or translated in 2023 as selected by a community of education

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Jackets of all 39 books on the 2024 Outstanding International Children's Books list

Celebrating International Children’s Books

Each January, the United States Board on Books for Young People (USBBY) announces their Outstanding International Books list during a meeting at the American Library Association conference.  The latest list, reflecting books published or released in 2023 and chosen by a committee of USBBY members, has just been released and we are delighted to find

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Hansel & Gretel cover on left and interior spread on right

Old Tales Told Afresh

As the old year makes way for the new, let’s take a look through some fresh retellings of old stories. Some of these stories are rooted in folklore; others have been recrafted from literary works of bygone centuries. All offer new ways of seeing and understanding the roots from which they grow, just as insights

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101 Ways to Read a Book_Red Comet Press_ cover_ interior spread

O, Come All Ye Book Lists!

We’ve been collecting all the kids’ book lists we can find and highlighting the titles mentioned that come from our US-based publishers. (For listed titles from our many international publishing friends, just look here.) Like many of our beyond-the-US-borders publishers, our American kids’ book publishers provide titles from abroad in translation, as well as books

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