It’s always exciting when Cicada Books has a new title on the horizon–especially when you can get a sneak peek with your own e-galley from NetGalley! Right now you can download the forthcoming RISE AND FALL: GREAT EMPIRES THAT SHAPED THE WORLD, by Peter Allen. You may know of the Vikings and the Mongols, but what about Kamakura and Ayutthaya? The detail-packed illustrations take young readers on an immersive voyage of discovery to the ancient world.
With exciting stories to tell of power-hungry leaders, incredible riches and legendary battles, find out why each empire rose to power, what life was like, and what led to its eventual downfall. Consider, too, the legacies and lessons each left behind for us today.
The Publisher Spotlight team just wrapped up another splendid NCTE conference! We were overjoyed to share and show off our beautiful books, and to meet so many dedicated, determined, and book-loving educators, librarians, literacy specialists, and book colleagues. Together we can lift the hearts and enrich the minds of our young readers! See you next year at NCTE 2025 in Denver! #ncte2024#booksforkids#booksaremagic
We are delighted to welcome New Frontier Publishing to our roster of publishers dedicated to producing the highest-quality books for kids! Established in Australia in 2002, New Frontier’s motto is “to inspire, educate and uplift children.” In 2017, their UK list was launched with primarily fiction and picture books, and then expanded into early years titles with the Catch a Star imprint. Three years later, New Frontier came into US distribution in partnership with Lerner Publisher Services.
Let’s take a look at what’s coming this spring!
Let’s Go on a Bicycle
Perfect for kids who love all things that move, the Let’s Go series of board books features a different mode of transportation, encouraging readers to explore the outdoors. From rockets and trains to submarines and fire engines, the latest installment is Let’s Go on a Bicycle. Rosalyn Albert’s simple, joy-filled rhyming text is delightfully complemented by Natalia Moore’s bright illustrations.
Not Scary, Jonathan!
Kids who enjoy sparking an “eek” from their family will resonate with this creative and not quite scary enough boy! Jonathan loves to dress up and scare his family, but they insist that he is just not scary. What happens when Jonathan is too scary? Written by award-winning Australian creator Peter Carnavas and illustrated by Amanda Francey, Not Scary, Jonathan! is a lively, energetic read aloud that encourages imagination and spending time with family.
The Great Zoo Hullabaloo!
Take a trip to the zoo with The Great Zoo Hullabaloo! When two zookeepers open the gates to the Zoo, they are shocked to find it strangely deserted. They must follow the clues to uncover the mystery of the missing animals, and in the end, they discover a fun musical surprise. Written by award-winning author Mark Carthew and brought to life by Anil Tortop’s illustrations, this picture book evokes the spirit of adventure in enchanting rhyme. Young readers will love to spot and discuss the variety of animals, as well as musical instruments. The book was shortlisted for Speech Pathology Australia Book of the Year.
Mr. Darcy the Dancing Duck
Parents and caregivers with a love of Jane Austen will adore this fun series of books, which casts Austen’s famous characters as animals found on a typical farm! As you can probably guess from the title, Mr. Darcy the Dancing Duck is a delightful introduction to Pride and Prejudice. Mr. Darcy dreads the first sign of spring. Flowers blooming means only one thing––dancing season, and Mr. Darcy simply cannot dance. What does it take for a proud duck to use his dancing feet? Can Lizzy convince Mr. Darcy to take a turn around the maypole? Written by Alex Field and illustrated by Peter Carnavas, this story presents themes of gaining confidence and the encouragement of friends.
By bringing international creators to the world stage, New Frontier’s books are ones that young readers will want to pick up again and again while getting new views on stories’ possibilities!