
  • Spotlight on New Frontier Publishing
    We are delighted to welcome New Frontier Publishing to our roster of publishers dedicated to producing the highest-quality books for kids! Established in Australia in 2002, New Frontier’s motto is “to inspire, educate and uplift children.” In 2017, their UK list was launched with primarily fiction and picture books, and then expanded into early years… Read more: Spotlight on New Frontier Publishing
  • Pairing Power
    Just as two eyes provide depth missing when we look ahead with just one eye, a pair of complementary books provide a deeper experience of their shared—and complementary—theme. The pairs suggested here each fit together, rather than presenting oppositional or dichotomous views. Like a pair of friends rowing a boat across new waters with greater… Read more: Pairing Power
  • Spotlight on Transit Children’s Editions
    Transit Books, a Berkeley, California, nonprofit publisher of international and American books for adults since 2013, has made it their mission to discover and promote stories that cross borders and connect communities around the world.  Now, Transit brings this same commitment—and all the delights that come with it—to children’s books with their Transit Children’s Editions… Read more: Spotlight on Transit Children’s Editions
  • Celebrating Titles Featured on 2024’s Best Books for Kids Lists
    It’s the end of another publishing year and the best lists are snowing upon us! What we love about the plethora of these lists from children’s literature experts, review publications, and national press resources is how so many perspectives pop into focus: diverse list makers see “best” in so many different—and complementary—ways. Some of the… Read more: Celebrating Titles Featured on 2024’s Best Books for Kids Lists
  • Spotlight on Nosy Crow
    From interactive board books and hilarious read alouds, to enlightening nonfiction and chapter books, publisher Nosy Crow has something for everyone on your list this holiday season. The award-winning independent publisher, American cousin to the celebrated British publisher, now creating their own list from their Massachusetts publishing house, is dedicated to providing high-quality, engaging reads… Read more: Spotlight on Nosy Crow
  • Global Family Recipes Feed Young Readers
    This article was authored by Publisher Spotlight intern Hannah Webster. For teachers and caregivers who want to strengthen cultural awareness and family bonds, this delicious collection of picture books focuses on the universal joy of cooking together. These stories celebrate diverse family traditions and encourage young readers to explore the kitchen as a space for… Read more: Global Family Recipes Feed Young Readers
  • Spotlight on Tapioca Stories
    Floating amid the wide and wonderful ocean of children’s books are special treasures: international books.  When we look at tales from beyond our borders, our eyes and hearts open to new perspectives and deeper truths. In the case of Yael Berstein–the one-woman-powerhouse behind Tapioca Stories—we also find out-of-the-box surprises that dazzle and delight. Tapioca Stories… Read more: Spotlight on Tapioca Stories
  • A Letter from Publisher Spotlight’s President
    November 7, 2024 The next weeks, months, and years will have challenges we hoped to never see again. Yet, we can’t lose sight of the reality that our work is important–enabling children to learn, grow, engage, and empathize through amazing and distinctive books from publishers with vision, purpose, and creativity. Book challenges may escalate and… Read more: A Letter from Publisher Spotlight’s President
  • Explore Diversity in Jewish Identity with Picture Books
    Culture and tradition are part and parcel of every person’s identity and yet many of us—perhaps especially in the United States—tend to see the identities of those around us as flattened into tropes. Instead of ignoring the nuances that encompass unforced and forced migrations, developments in social and political surroundings, and even availability of food… Read more: Explore Diversity in Jewish Identity with Picture Books
  • Spotlight on Cuento de Luz
    Are you wanting to add some light to your bookshelf? Look to Spanish publisher Cuento de LuzI True to its name, which translates to “Tale of Light” in English, Cuento de Luz publishes stories for youth that illuminate important issues while remaining uplifting and hopeful. Founded in 2007 by Ana Eulate, Cuento de Luz aims… Read more: Spotlight on Cuento de Luz
  • Building Stories
    Introducing children to participating in and observing the natural world holds well-acknowledged merit—as well as rich offerings in current children’s books. No matter how urban a child’s environment may be, there are almost always snatches of nature available: the sky and weather; a vendor selling fruit that was planted and grown to be eaten and… Read more: Building Stories
  • Reviewer Spotlight: Jennifer Wharton, Youth Services Librarian
    One in an occasional set of interviews with the reviewers who provide critical insights about new books from our client publishers. Jennifer Wharton has been on our list of reviewers for about two years now and provides a librarian’s look at how titles will work in programs, supporting curriculum, or circulating amongst her library patrons.… Read more: Reviewer Spotlight: Jennifer Wharton, Youth Services Librarian
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